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How to Sleep Well

There are things that you can do to help improve the amount and quality of sleep that you get each night. Some things you might try include:

  • Limit alcohol use, especially in the evening.
  • Give your pets beds of their own, encourage your snoring partner to sleep on their side, and use a white-noise machine to block out sound.
  • Make sure to adjust your thermostat to avoid being too hot or too cold. If you don’t want to adjust the thermostat, wear thick socks to a well-blanketed bed during cold snaps and use a fan in the summer. 
  • Turn off electronics at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Hang blackout shades or curtains and close your bedroom door to shut out the light from other areas of the house.
  • Although caffeine’s effects on you depend on your tolerance, the dose, and your age, it is best to keep your consumption below 400 mg per day and stay away from caffeine sources after lunchtime. 
  • If you're struggling with stress, try a daily meditation practice. You don’t need to be an expert yogi or spend hours sitting on a mat. Even 10 minutes a day is beneficial. 
  • Schedule your workout for the morning, or hit the gym during your lunch hour.
  • Have a small snack before hitting the hay. It should be heavier on complex carbs, lighter on protein, but including both. Good choices include a small bowl of whole-grain cereal and milk, a slice of deli turkey wrapped around a celery stick, or a piece of fruit spread with peanut butter.
