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Who I am?

What we are going to Learn in this Blogger?

Hello all readers, welcome to my blogger which purpose is to help you have a better quality of sleep, make you understand the importance of sleeping 8 hours a night, not taking any type of caffeine, sleeping without worries or cell phones, etc. But the most important thing is that you believe and eliminate bad habits that perhaps did not benefit you at all, that you share and help your friends, family members to have a healthy community in terms of physical condition, health and mental condition. To be able to progress and advance as true Ecuadorians. Come on, TOGETHER WE ARE MORE!

I have been a Copol student since 5th grade, I am 14 years old, I like to play basketball, but what fascinates the most is programming. I am currently in 10th grade and I would like to help you a lot with this topic since for me, sleep is the most important thing you can do, whether it is to regain energy or simply to rest.
